Prevent fly-related annoyance and health problems with the State Line Tack collection of fly repellent and sprays that you can use in and around your barn and stables. These sprays, ointments, and spot-on treatments are designed to guard your horse against fly bites and decrease the number of larvae and flies in your horse’s living quarters.
Select the Pyranha Wipe N Spray for a topical treatment you can apply directly to your horse’s coat to prevent bites from flies, mosquitos, fleas, and more! Once applied, this oil-based product will soak into their hair, providing long-lasting shine and an insect-repelling citronella smell. The best part about this product is that it can be sprayed or wiped on with the same great results!
The Farnam SWAT Fly Repellent Ointment is made to repel house flies, stable flies, and more. This topical treatment is ideal for use on your horse’s face and around open wounds where flies commonly linger. Simply rub the ointment in the targeted area and watch fly irritation disappear.
For an effective insect repellent spray, choose the E3 Fly & Insect Repellent. This repellent is a solution that combines oils that repel mosquitos, flies, gnats, and more! Designed to be sprayed around horse living quarters, this spray contains no harsh chemicals and is made with all-natural ingredients for the cleanest solution.
No matter which fly repellent solution you choose, our line of products is going to effectively help reduce fly and insect presence and bites. Add an extra layer of protection with fly masks and boots!