Kensington offers a selection of high-quality protective products for horses. These include comfortable turnout blankets to keep yourhorse warm and dry in the rain, cold, and other poor weather conditions. They’re waterproof, durable, and available in a variety of sizes and designs. Kensington also produces a range of fly sheets, fly masks, and fly boots to protect your horse from flies and otherinsects. They also shield horses from harmful UV rays and keep them clean from dirt. These products are available in multiple colors.

Kensington offers a selection of high-quality protective products for horses. These include comfortable turnout blankets to keep yourhorse warm and dry in the rain, cold, and other poor weather conditions. They’re waterproof, durable, and available in a variety of sizes and designs. Kensington also produces a range of fly sheets, fly masks, and fly boots to protect your horse from flies and other insects. They also shield horses from harmful UV rays and keep them clean from dirt. These products are available in multiple colors.


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