Shop horse blankets, riding boots, and more from Saxon. Their turnout sheets are waterproof and breathable to keep your horse warm and dry against all kindsof weather. They’re available in a wide selection of colors. They also have fly sheets and fly masks to guard horses against harmful pests. Equestrians can browse a variety of Saxon boots for most types of riding. Choose from paddock boots and field boots for men, women, and children in a range of sizes.

Shop horse blankets, riding boots, and more from Saxon. Their turnout sheets are waterproof and breathable to keep your horse warm and dry against all kinds of weather. They’re available in a wide selection of colors. They also have fly sheets and fly masks to guard horses against harmful pests. Equestrians can browse a variety of Saxon boots for most types of riding. Choose from paddock boots and field boots for men, women, and children in a range of sizes.


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